We, the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales of the Dibrugarh Province, assembled for the First Provincial Congress at Christashram, Dibrugarh, throughDecember01–03, 2020, prayerfully reflected, deliberated and discerned on the theme,“MSFS Dibrugarh Province: Rooted and Formed in Charism, Committed to Mission.”United as a family in Triune God and rooted in the Charism of our Founder, we understand, realize and believe that we are called to live as community of brothers and Missionaries of Christ.

As Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales (MSFS), we resolve ourselves to live the Spirit and Spirituality of St Francis de Sales in Community and Mission after the four basics of our Charism; Community Life, Mission, MSFSness and Spirituality of St. Francis de Sales, letting them characterize our daily living and apostolates.Conforming ourselves to the solid history of MSFS missionary venture that renders visibility and identity to the Congregation in the Region, we recommit ourselves to empower the confreres with adequate training, equip them with necessary skills and enkindle in them deeper zeal for the mission of the Church.

With proper policies and implementation, we resolve to be passionate and persevering Fransalian educators, who are gentle but firm,striving for excellence and effective consolidation of our education ministry. By being motivated, we are determined to make human and social interventions by touching the lives of the poor and vulnerable, children and youth, the differently abled, the sick and suffering, providing them with better environment for meaningful life. We resolve to be faithful to the Gospel and the Charism of the Congregation by being transparent in every decision concerning stewardship ministry.

May God help us to be rooted and formed in MSFS Charism and missionary commitment!

Live Jesus.