In late 90s Bro. Prem Bhai in one of his mission tours got in touch with Mr EjumKarbak who was a local leader and an influential person at Aalo, whose children were boarders at Silapathar. Mr. Ejum had proposed half of the present land for a school at Along. Fr. Job, parish priest of Silapathar got in touch with then provincial who gave a green signal to go ahead with the project.

Once the deal was done it got into lots of legal turmoil due to the opposition from some of the local people. Years passed by but nothing could be done with the land. In the Provincial Chapter of 2002, a resolution was passed to begin a degree college for the North East Province. As a follow up, Fr. Abraham Mullenkuzhy in his 2nd term as Provincial of North East province decided to begin a degree college at Aalo. Fr George Parampukattil who was the principal of St. Joseph’s College Jakama was entrusted with the work. He negotiated for 2nd half of the land from Mr. Ejum and got ready to begin the construction of the college.

Fr Biju Kanicherry looked after the construction of the college building. Owing to the untiring work of Fr. George and other confreres, one section of the building was constructed and inaugurated the college in August 2007. Fr. Mathew Pallichankudiyil as staff of the college. On being elected as General Councillor, Fr. George Parampukattil was freed for the Generalate services. In 2008 Fr. Jose Karipadathu was appointed as the principal of the college. He served the collage as the principal till 2011. Fr. Mathew Puthumana was appointed Manager of the College and Local Superior of the Campus in 2008. When Fr Jose was transferred to serve at the Don Bosco University, Guwahati, Sr Thresa Mary SAS was appointed as principal of the college. At present Fr. Thomas Edakazhickal is serving as the Principal and Fr Joy Velickakathu is the manager of the College. Adoration Sisters and St. Ann’s Sisters of Luzern render their service to the college. Currently, the College has the strength of 400 students with 6 honours subjects.

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SL. No.




George Parampukattil



Jose Karipadathu



Sr Tresa Mary



Vipin George Edakazhikal
